Mari Najare Gujarat
'Mari Najare Gujarat,' literally translated as 'Gujarat through my lens,' is a series that emerged during the pandemic when traveling to different regions was impossible. At that time, this series encouraged people to explore their local areas, thereby boosting the tourism business ecosystem. It proved to be a thought-provoking catalyst for traveling with a renewed sense of purpose and pleasure. The series highlights everything from the wildlife and coastal views to heritage sites, religious places, and the lesser-explored corners of the region. The Gujarati community is known for its global travels, but my aim was to reach those who want to see the region from a fresh perspective and to broadcast Gujarat's charm to the world. After launching the series on digital platforms, it successfully drew many viewers from within Gujarat and around the world, visibly sparking an increase in tourism within about a year.
Today, Gujarat has risen to prominence as a top tourist destination globally, and we are grateful that our thoughtfully created digital content could play a small role in achieving this remarkable impact.
18 Destinations
21 Videos
117 M+ impressions
On YouTube
10 M+ views
On YouTube
680 K+ watch hours
On YouTube